How to Order
Each item selected MUST be ordered as a separate line item. Product Notes
2 : These accessories are not included with main unit when purchased 2 : Please purchase TC separately. It is impossible to use main unit with mini plug set only 3 : These accessories are included with main unit. Included types of accessories are??????????????????????¸???????????????????????�????????�????????�??????????????????�??????????????????????�????????�??????????????????????????�??????????????????????�????????�??????????????????????????�???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Yokogawa CA320 TC Process Calibrator
The Yokogawa CA320 TC Process Calibrator is a high accuracy source and measure portable handheld calibrator used to inspect and maintain the accuracy of control devices such as temperature controllers, temperature transmitters, temperature sensors and other process devices used in process plants, industry machinery, and manufacturing.
Product Features:
- Basic accuracy: 0.5°C (Typical of TC type K); including accuracy of internal RJC
- Corresponds to 16 types of TC standards (JIS/IEC/DIN/ASTM/GOST R)
- Sub display displays value of voltage source and span%
- Corresponds to various types of source pattern (Step sweep/Linear sweep/Manual step/Span check)
- Corresponds to other TC types by mV source function
- Measures TC sensor output as thermometer
- 1 - Carrying Case, B9108NK
- 1 - Lead Cable Set, Alligator Clips (Red and Black/1.7m), 98040
- 1 - Binding Post (Red and Black), 99045