The AQ2200-312 is a variable optical attenuator type for the AQ2200 series. When it is installed in an AQ2200 series frame controller, it allows optical output to be attenuated to any value.
Wide attenuation range:
0 to 60 dB (SM version)
0 to 45 dB (MM version)
Wide wavelength range:
1200 to 1700 nm(SM version)
800 to 1370 nm (MM version)
Compatible with SMF(10/125µm) or MMF(50/125µm, 62.5/125µm)
Low insertion loss: 1.0 dB (typical)
Low polarization dependence loss: 0.1 dBp-p or less
Monitor output (optional)
Configure the desired measurement system by combining AQ2200 Series modules with Yokogawa optical communications measuring instruments
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