Yokogawa 366961 - Banana to Alligator .2m Cable, :
Yokogawa 366961 - Banana to Alligator .2m Cable, :
A subassembly of 1.2 m long test leads with alligator-clip adapters. Use only for circuits having voltage levels no greater than 42 V. Applicable for SL1000 & SL1400.
How to Order Each item selected MUST be ordered as a separate line item. Product Notes All Clamp-on Meters include Test Leads (where applicable) and a carrying case. Temperature Measurement requires...
Yokogawa 366926 - to Alligator 1m Cable, :Yokogawa 366926 - to Alligator 1m Cable, : A 1 m long BNC to alligator clip cable. Use only for circuits having voltage levels no greater than 42 V...
Yokogawa 366925 - to 2m CableYokogawa 366925 - to 2m Cable BNC-BNC 2m. For connection to simultaneously measurement with 2 units, or for input external trigger signal.
Yokogawa 99073 - Conversion Cable Banana)Yokogawa 99073 - Conversion Cable Banana) for 96030, 96033, 96036 *Non-CE product. Not available for CE marking necessary region.