Electromagnetic Industries Ground Fault Current Sensor GFL 051X117-1200
Electromagnetic Industries Ground Fault Current Sensor GFL 051X117-1200 Application: These Ground Fault Sensors (type GFL) are available in a variety of sizes. Care should be takenwhen determining the physical size of the senor window. The Ground Fault Sensor will only respond to groundfaults that occur between the position of the sensor and the load. Each sensor comes with both normal and testwindings. These sensors are only for use with BGFL, GFP, and GFPV relays.These sensors have internal test winding for testing of the sensor and relays together without having the needto use an external primary injection test system.Operating Range: Trip Currents models are available for 5-60, 30-360, and 100-1200A.Frequency: 50/60 HZInsulation Level: 600 Volt, 10 kV BIL full wave.Connection terminals: No. 8-32 brass terminals with flat washer, lock washer, and nut.NOTE: These sensors are “Zero Sequence” sensors. For application where all three phase (and the neutral ifmonitored) pass through the same sensor, the direction of current flow is not a factor in the relays operation.If more than one sensor is being used, all sensors must have the H1 side facing the same direction with respectto the current flow.