Electromagnetic Industries 3 Phase Voltage Monitor SPVR2-308
Electromagnetic Industries 3 Phase Voltage Monitor SPVR2-308Electromagnetic Industries 3 Phase Voltage Monitor SPVR 308/SPVR2-308 Application: The EI-SPVR2 is designed to monitor Phase to Phase voltage for three Phase electricalequipment that are sensitive to Phase Loss, Phase Unbalance, Phase Reversal, Over-Voltage, and UnderVoltage conditions.The SPVR2 has a set of “Form C” contacts that change state if an abnormal condition exists for the duration ofthe adjustable time delay. The exception is that the unit will trip instantaneously ant time it detects a PhaseReversal or the Over-Voltage reaches 150% of rated voltage, or the voltage drops below 50% rated voltageafter being in Under-Voltage alarm conditions for more than 1 sec. Standard Features Power On Indication (LED) “Form C” contacts Phase Reversal Protection with LED indication Phase Unbalance Protection (2% to 8% Adjustable) withLED indication Phase Loss Protection with LED indication Under voltage Protection (80%) with LED indication Over Voltage Protection (115%) with LED indication Adjustable Trip Time Delay (0 to 30 Sec.) Adjustable Reset Time Delay (except for the 120V) (1 Secto 5 min.) Automatic Reset when condition clears and at Power Up Panel or Door Mounting Options Clear Cover Maintain Fault indication after Loss of Power
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