
Master the Most Useful Programming Language for Electrical Engineers and Boost Your Career!

Posted by ,20th May 2024

Master the Most Useful Programming Language for Electrical Engineers and Boost Your Career!

Digital technology has revolutionized the field of electrical engineering. Whether you're specializing in circuits, electromagnetics, control systems, or communications, knowing at least one high-level programming language is now a prerequisite. But with an array of choices available, which language offers the most value for electrical engineers?

The answer varies depending on your career trajectory. If you're working with embedded systems, C or C++ are usually the go-to languages. Testing sees a lot of Matlab, though Python's presence is growing. Integrated Circuit designers lean towards Verilog. For FPGA-based hardware design, VHDL is common. Power and analog electronics often rely on SPICE for circuit simulations. And for spreadsheet data manipulation, it's usually VBA (Visual Basic for Application).

In this article, we’ll explain why these are the recommended languages while also dispelling misconceptions about programming in electrical engineering. We’ll also clarify which programming languages are most useful for electrical engineers, why programming skills are crucial, and what trends to expect in the future.

Debunking Myths About Programming in Electrical Engineering

As we transition into an era where software and hardware are increasingly intertwined, it's critical to dispel some persistent myths that have unfairly downplayed the importance of programming in electrical engineering (EE).

1. Electrical Engineers Don't Need to Know How to Program

It's a claim you might encounter surprisingly often—some suggest that there are still corners of the electrical engineering profession where programming knowledge isn't required. However, such niches are increasingly rare and usually restrict your career growth. Here's why:

Job Market Trends

I examined job postings on Indeed and YCombinator targeted at electrical engineers. A significant majority listed requirements related to programming. Phrases like "Experience developing, writing, and debugging automated test procedures" and "Solid firmware or embedded C programming skills" were common. These are not optional skills but prerequisites for job eligibility.

Academic Perspective

A 2019-onward search on Google Scholar using "electrical engineer" and "programming language" showcases:

  • Papers recommend enhanced methodologies to introduce programming languages to electrical engineering students.
  • Researchers are analyzing applications' efficacy based on their programming language. One study evaluated the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) analysis of audio signals across different languages.
  • Specific research questions in various EE fields, such as electromagnetics, are being addressed using programming languages. A compelling example comes from researchers like Xin, who have created a digital platform programmed to implement electromagnetic functions to replace metasurfaces.

The evidence is overwhelming: the days when an electrical engineer could skirt by without knowing how to program are numbered. Whether you're entering the job market or contributing to scholarly research, programming skills are increasingly becoming a non-negotiable asset in the electrical engineering field.

2. Programming is a Separate Profession

Far from being a separate profession, programming is an indispensable skill set that adds depth to your engineering toolbox, broadens your project scope, and amplifies your marketability.

Remember, the goal isn't to become a software developer. Instead, as an electrical engineer, it's about leveraging the power of programming to enhance and innovate within your domain.

3. It's Difficult to Learn Multiple Programming Languages

While becoming proficient in multiple languages might seem daunting, it's worth noting that the foundational principles of programming remain consistent across languages. Learning others becomes considerably easier once you grasp the logic and structure of one language.

Moreover, in the EE profession, you often don't need to be an expert in every language. A functional understanding and deep expertise in one or two languages most relevant to your specialization can suffice.

EE Career Tracks and Their Most Useful Programming Languages

Electrical engineering is a vast field encompassing various specialties. Depending on your focus area, different programming languages may be more advantageous.

Let's break down some of the primary EE career tracks and highlight the most useful programming languages for each:

EE Career TrackMost Useful Programming LanguageReason
Embedded SystemsC, C++Optimal for low-level system programming, offering direct hardware control.
Signal and Image ProcessingMATLABPowerful for matrix operations and algorithm simulations related to signals.
Automation (Gerber & Test Equipment)PythonWidely used for automating Gerber file submissions and controlling test equipment due to its versatility and library support.
Integrated Circuit DesignVerilogIdeal for designing and simulating digital circuits at a high level.
FPGA-based Hardware DesignVHDLStrongly typed and concurrent, enables detailed hardware description
Power and Analog ElectronicsSPICE Time-domain and frequency-domain simulation, handles non-linear elements
Automation and Control SystemsStructured textReal-world digital logic mapping, industrial standard for automated control systems

Multifaceted Benefits of Coding Proficiency for EE

The line between hardware and software is increasingly blurred. For electrical engineers, this shift means that programming is no longer a peripheral skill but a core competency that offers numerous advantages:

  • Streamlined Troubleshooting and Debugging: Knowing how to code can help you better understand issues that occur at the interface of hardware and software. You can read log files, identify bugs, or even write your diagnostic scripts.
  • Cross-disciplinary Communication: When you understand programming, it becomes easier to collaborate with software engineers, data scientists, and other stakeholders. You'll be speaking a common language, which can streamline project execution.
  • Quick Prototyping: Programming skills can help you quickly create proof-of-concept models or simulations, which can be essential in the early stages of design.
  • Custom Tools Creation: Sometimes, off the shelf software tools may need to meet the specific requirements of your enginering projects. Programming knowledge allows you to develop custom tools tailored to your needs.
  • Career Flexibility: Learning to code expands an EE's job prospects, allowing them to branch into roles that require a mix of hardware and software expertise.
  • IoT and Connectivity: As devices become smarter and more connected, the ability to program adds a layer of expertise that is becoming essential for IoT-related projects.
  • Automating Data Analysis: For tasks like signal analysis, data classification, or predictive maintenance, programming can automate complex workflows, saving time and reducing errors.

AI Programming Assistants: Why Electrical Engineers Should Care

AI-based programming assistants, such as GitHub Copilot, are increasingly gaining traction within the developer community, including electronics and hardware design professionals.

In a study by Jenny T. Liang from Carnegie Mellon University, researchers examined how developers adopt these AI assistants. The study found that the main benefits of these tools are their ability to minimize manual typing, speed up coding tasks, and assist with syntax recall.

Given these advantages, electrical engineers should consider integrating AI programming assistants into their programming workflow. Although Liang's research shows limited enthusiasm for using these tools for creative problem-solving, electrical engineers could still benefit from their real-time feedback and error troubleshooting features.


Understanding programming is essential for today's electrical engineers. Contrary to common myths, programming isn't just for software developers; it's a vital skill in various electrical engineering roles.

Knowing the right programming language can enhance problem-solving and job performance. AI programming assistants like GitHub Copilot offer practical advantages. They can speed up coding tasks and help troubleshoot errors, making them valuable tools for electrical engineers. In summary, coding skills and modern tools like AI assistants are career multipliers for electrical engineers.